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S.O.A.R. to Business Productivity and Profits Bootcamp
Module 1 - S.O.A.R. to Business Success - Welcome and Introduction
Purpose and Outcome of the Course (3:06)
What is S.O.A.R.? (4:05)
Use Your Action Plan Workbook (1:54)
Monthly Coaching Meetings (1:00)
Bonuses (1:27)
Module 2 - Organize Your Launch and Growth
Create a Legal Framework for Business Operation (21:39)
Create a Leadership Framework to Guide Decision Making (17:06)
Design Your Systems to Complete Your Leadership Framework (33:37)
Research Startup Capital Options (27:54)
Establish Financial Systems for Business Stability (25:55)
Create an Online Business (35:57)
Module 3 - Organize a Sensational Marketing Plan
Create a Marketing Strategy and Plan (10:45)
Evolve with a Customer Focus (10:16)
Discover Your Avatar (13:54)
Define the Customer’s Problem You Are Solving (8:17)
Create Your Niche (10:37)
Determine Your Traction in the Marketplace (5:42)
Module 4 - Acquire Your Right Fit Customer
Make Social Media Work for Your Business (11:49)
Build Your Audience with a Strong Customer Base (5:15)
Discover How to Build an Email List (4:14)
Create Lead Magnets and Landing Pages (7:00)
Market with a Funnel (5:10)
Publish a Newsletter (8:10)
Module 5 - Realize Your Destiny Your as You Multiply Your Impact and Income
Develop Your Support System to Promote Your Business (5:09)
Utilize Executive Coaching (2:59)
Grow Your Network of Contacts (5:54)
Care for Your Physical and Mental Health to Guide You to Productivity (7:05)
Manage Your Time and Energy (5:55)
Celebrate and Enjoy Your New Lifestyle (1:41)
Build Your Audience with a Strong Customer Base
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